Sarkar is directed by AR Murugadoss and produced by Sun Pictures. Before the title was revealed on 21 June 2018, it was referred to by the media as Thalapathy 62, as it is the 62nd film starring Vijay who is commonly called "Thalapathy" (commander) by fans. Keerthy Suresh also has a leading role, Girish Gangadharan serves as cinematographer and T. Santhanam is the art director. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar also plays a pivotal role. Shooting began in January 2018. The team have successfully completed the first and second schedules of the shoot, and were set to begin their third schedule in the US in early March.
The soundtrack of the film will be composed by A. R. Rahman.
The film is scheduled to be released in November 2018, coinciding with the Diwali festival.
Thalapathy 62
Thalapathy 62 Photo app
Thalapathy 62 Wallpapers
Thalapathy 62 Songs
Sarkar Photos
Sarkar Photo app
Sarkar Wallpapers
Sarkar Songs
Sarkar Video Songs
Sarkar Thalapathy 62
Sarkar由AR Murugadoss执导,由Sun Pictures制作。在2018年6月21日揭晓之前,媒体将其称为Thalapathy 62,因为这是由Vijay主演的第62部电影,粉丝通常被称为“Thalapathy”(指挥官)。 Keerthy Suresh也担任主角,Girish Gangadharan担任电影摄影师,T. Santhanam担任艺术总监。 Varalaxmi Sarathkumar也扮演着举足轻重的角色。拍摄于2018年1月开始。团队已成功完成拍摄的第一和第二时间表,并将于3月初在美国开始第三个时间表。
这部电影的配乐将由A. R. Rahman创作。
Thalapathy 62
Thalapathy 62照片应用程序
Thalapathy 62壁纸
Thalapathy 62首歌曲
Sarkar Thalapathy 62